Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - CALLIDUS

Blog 2017-2018

Workshop October 2017

"Automatic annotation of Latin texts and generation of pedagogical exercises" - What can we build on in our DFG project? The workshop took place on October 4/5, 2017, at the Corpus Linguistics Department of the Humboldt University of Berlin. Guiseppe Celano (Leipzig, Digital Humanities) and Neven Jovanovic (Zagreb, Classical Philology) were invited to give lectures.

Covarying Collexemes

Cluster Analysis and the Identification of Collexeme Classes - A lengthy exchange of ideas with corpus linguist Anna Shadrova draws our attention to associative measures and their potential for the Callidus project.

Outcomes of the Workshop

One thing has now become quite clear: We don't have much to build on. Neither can we fall back on a high-quality annotated and scholastically interesting Latin corpus, nor do the existing POS taggers give hope for a reliable (automatic) solution to the problem.

The Exercises in Moodle

Which exercises does Moodle offer that can be used for vocabulary work in Latin classes? - It is not a question of reinventing the wheel, but our solution should offer more than can already be found free of charge (without Moodle) on the Internet.

Moodle in German High Schools

The Machina Callida should not only be able to make queries to the ANNIS database, but also to convert them into exercises and export them to Moodle. But can the LMS Moodle actually be used in schools?

Market Analysis: Software for Latin

In order to determine which products the to-be software Machina Callida might have to compete with, a brief market analysis was carried out. It was evident that dictionaries of various kinds are dominant. Latin specific (and free) learning programs are much less common.

Web App vs. Desktop

How should the Machina Callida be designed? As a specialized service or as a comprehensive application? As a web app or mobile app or desktop application?

Web App vs. Native App

How should the Machina Callida be designed? As a specialized service or as a comprehensive application? As a web app or mobile app or desktop application?

A Core Vocabulary for Latin Classes

Which words should the learners be able to fall back on when reading Latin original texts, i.e. which basic vocabulary can be assumed to be ideally (!) learned during the first years of language acquisition? Are existing core vocabularies really representative for the following original Latin texts?


Due to their different research interests, what demands do the participating disciplines make when creating the Machina Callida?