Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Central

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Projekte | Central | CENTRAL Staff Mobility | Erfahrungsberichte Staff Mobility Programm 2015

Erfahrungsberichte Staff Mobility Programm 2015

Die Teilnehmenden aus den Universitätsbibliotheken der CENTRAL-Partner erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen bei dem ersten Staff Mobility Programm.


Für mich war die wichtigste Erfahrung, dass Bibliotheken aus unterschiedlichen Ländern heute mit den gleichen Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind. Daraus ergibt sich, dass ein internationaler Austausch wichtig wäre, um auf die jeweiligen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aufbauen zu können. Mein Fazit daraus lautet, dass es nicht bei einem einmaligen Treffen bleiben sollte, sondern der Austausch kontinuierlich fortgeführt werden sollte.

Dr. Susanne Blumesberger, Universität Wien


I appreciate the opportunity to be one of the participants of the CENTRAL Network at HU Berlin in October 2015 very much. We (librarians) do not have so many opportunities to meet our colleges from other countries and therefore I find this occasion enriching. The most precious thing on this meeting for me was to meet and discuss the same problems with people from other countries.

Lucie Korhoňová, Karls-Universität in Prag


We are both really grateful for such a great opportunity to be in Berlin at Humboldt-Universität and meet you all. The first thing that we will be both remember was the cosy atmosphere. The smaller the group, the better the atmosphere to talk and exchange experiences. That made us closer and more integrated according to similar fields of work we do. We also enjoyed the workshops and it was a pleasure for us to see how it works at HU compared to our library, which is one of the three biggest in our country. We are really grateful to our hosts and guides for such a kind welcome and for showing us a lot from the inside of your institution... and even more than we have expected.

Anna Białanowicz-Biernat und Magdalena Kokosinska, Universität Warschau


The Staff Mobility Exchange program offered a fantastic opportunity to exchange experiences and views, to present good practices and to plan common developments. During the program we could get an insight into everyday routine of each other’s work. The topics we were discussiong about (digitalization, electronic publications, open-access publications and long-term preservation) were interesting, as were the discussions about technical, legal, cultural, financial problems and their possible solutions. The presentations of our colleagues offered us interesting tips and also new inspirations in developing our services. But the most important benefits of this event are the personal relationships, getting to know people whom we can directly ask in the future and to whom we can turn with solving problems and thinking together. So communication became more effective and easier. It became clear, how important it is to exchange views and experiences, and to have regular professional meetings. This initiative is a very good starting point for further cooperation, which is useful and valuable for all participants, because everyone can benefit from helping each other.

Katalin Szépvölgyi, ELTE Budapest