Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - TRANSMIT


Selection Publications TRANSMIT-Team (MENA-Team&Westafrica-Team)


  • Altrogge, J., & Auer, D. (2020). Zurück ins Herkunftsland? Warum eine „geringe Bleibeperspektive“ für Asylsuchende aus Gambia kein Grund zur Rückkehr ist, DeZIMinutes #02,
  • Altrogge, J. (2023). Income prospect trajectories after state-induced return from Germany to the Gambia: Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration as ‘slow deportation’. sozialpolitik. ch, (2/2023), 2-4.
  • Altrogge, J. (2023). Managing power-knowledge imbalances in researcher-informant relationships: Methodological and ethical implications for longitudinal post-return research. in: Hg. A. Radziwinowiczówna, Edward Elgar.Research Methods in Deportation: The Power-Knowledge Approach.
  • Altrogge, J., Stier, J. (2023). Migration und Migrationspolitik in Westafrika. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Regionalprofil im Dossier: Migration weltweit - Daten - Geschichte - Politik.
  • Bogatzki, T., Glaese, J. C., & Stier, J. (2023). Political Ideology and Prejudice: Explaining COVID-19 Risk Attribution to Ethno-Racial Groups over the Course of the Pandemic. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 3.5]
  • Bogatzki, T. (2021). Heterogeneity in Migration Network Effects Across Cultures. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB). Discussion Paper SP VI 2021-102.
  • Fromm, N., Jünemann, A., & Safouane, H. (eds.) (2021). Power in Vulnerability. A Multi-Dimensional Review of Migrants’ Vulnerabilities. In der Reihe „Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik“. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 
  • Gundacker, L., Keita, S., Ruhnke, S. (2023): Unequal access to protection? Selection Outcomes among Syrian migrants across Lebanon, Turkey and Germany. Frontiers in Human Dynamics. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 0.9]
  • Harder, N., Gundacker, L., Quantitative Fluchtforschung (2023), in: Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Hrsg.: Tabea Scharrer, Birgit Glorius, Olaf Kleist, Marcel Berlinghoff. Baden-Baden: NOMOS Verlag.
  • Helbling, M., Auer, D., Meierrieks, D., Mistry, M., & Schaub, M. (2021). Climate change literacy and migration potential: micro-level evidence from Africa. Climatic Change, 169(1), 1-13. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 4.743]
  • Kleinewiese, J. (2021). Bleiben oder gehen? Wie soziale Kohäsion die Migrationsabsichten von syrischen Immigrant*innen im Libanon beeinflusst, DeZIMinute #05,
  • Pañeda-Fernández, I. (2022). Natural disasters and preferences for redistribution: The impact of collective and abrupt disruptions. European Sociological Review, 38(4), 575-589. [SSCI;  Impact Factor: 3.9]
  • Roayaee, M., Rahman, R. A., Danziger, M., Tudge, L., Daedelow, L. S., Heinz, A., & Wüstenberg, T. (2020). Die anderen und ich: Wie soziale Interaktionen die Wahrnehmung des anderen verändern. Das Cyberball-Paradigma und seine Indikationen im Migrationskontext. Fortschritte der Neurologie· Psychiatrie, 88 (02), 109-117. [SCIE;   Impact Factor: 0.752]
  • Rischke, R. & Talebi, N. (2021). Lebanon at a critical conjuncture - Perspectives of Syrians and Lebanese in Lebanon 2019-2021. SSRN Research Network (BIM Discussion Paper Series No.1 2021).
  • Ruhnke, S., Hertner, L. Köhler, J., Kluge, U. (2024). Social ecological determinants of the psychological mental health burden among Syrians in Lebanon and Turkey: A transnational perspective. Social Science & Medicine. [SSCI;  Impact Factor: 5.2]
  • Ruhnke, S., Hertner, L., Gundacker, L., & Wagner, S. (2024). Going from bad to worse? Well-being of Syrian refugees in Turkey in the aftermath of the February 2023 earthquakes. BIM News #1. Berliner Institut für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung.
  • Ruhnke, S., Scala, M., Wahbi, F., Talebi, N. (2023). Healthcare Access Crisis in Lebanon, MERGE X TRANSMIT Data Brief #3.
  • Ruhnke, S., & Talebi, N. (2022). Food Insecurity in Lebanon and the Ripple Effects of the War in Ukraine, MERGE X TRANSMIT Data Brief #2,
  • Ruhnke, S. (2021). The EU-Turkey Deal as a successful Blueprint? New Data on the Wellbeing of Syrian Refugees in Turkey, MERGE X TRANSMIT Data Brief #1,
  • Safouane, H., & Schaub, M. (2021). Zu arm, um zu migrieren? Wie Armut und Migration zusammenhängen. Befunde aus Gambia und Senegal, DeZIMinutes #04,
  • Schaub, M., & Auer, D. (2022). Rebel recruitment and migration: Theory and evidence from Southern Senegal. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 00220027221118258. [SSCI;  Impact Factor: 3.211]
  • Stier, J. (2020). "Senegalesische Corona-Songs als Sensibilisierungs- und Informationsquelle für wolofsprachige Geflüchtete und Migrant*innen". In: Z'Flucht - Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 4(1), 131-148.
  • Stier, J. (2020). Senegalese Corona Songs as a Source of Information for Refugees and Migrants/ Senegalesische Corona-Songs als Informationsquelle für Geflüchtete und Migrant*innen, Blog-Beitrag zum FluchtforschungsBlog des Netzwerk Fluchtforschung (2.11.),
  • Stier, J. (2023). What impact do information initiatives have on migration from Africa to Europe? LSE Blog. Online:
  • Talebi, N. (2024). Delvarani, A. Iran, Report Globale Flucht 2024. Fischerverlag. Link:
  • Talebi, N. (2023). Es ist eine feministische Revolution. Interview Fluter - Magazine of the Federal Agency for Civic Education. Online:
  • Tuki, D. (2023). Pastoral conflicts and (dis)trust: Evidence from Nigeria using an instrumental variable approach. WZB Discussion Paper.
  • Tuki, D. (2022a). The Effect of Violent Conflict on the Socioeconomic Condition of Households in Nigeria: The Case of Kaduna State. Households in Conflict Network. Working Paper No. 373.
  • Tuki, D. (2023).You’re not welcome! Violence and Support for a Grazing Ban Policy in Kaduna, Nigeria. Working Paper No. 397. Households in Conflict Network.
  • Tuki, D. (2024). Gender and Migration Aspirations in Nigeria: A Comparative Study of the States of Edo and Kaduna. Working Paper No. 408. Households in Conflict Network.
  • Tuki, D. (2024). Examining the effect of gender, education and religion on attitudes toward gender equality in Nigeria. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 1-27. [SSCI;  Impact Factor: 2.2]
  • Zanker, F., & Altrogge, J. (2022). Protective exclusion as a postcolonial strategy: Rethinking deportations and sovereignty in the Gambia. Security Dialogue, 53(5), 475–493.  [SSCI; Impact Factor: 3.459]