Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

Regular events

No prior registration is necessary for the regular events, just drop by! Participation is free of charge and does not require membership in the association.



Once a month


The upcoming dates and meeting points will be announced on the homepage and in our WhatsApp group (

Stammtisch Logo
The Stammtisch usually takes place at varying places in Berlin and is a great opportunity to get to know the city and its famous bars. For several months during Corona we had Stammtisch online on, while now we slowly return to in-person meetings. Due to ever-changing Corona rules, the precise modalities will be announced before each meeting.

Doc Café


Every Friday

14:00 to 15:30


Location: International Service Centre (ISC), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Main Building, Room 1068), Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin

Doccafe Logo

Doc Café is a casual, weekly meeting to get to know other doctoral candidates and HU-Docs. There is no pre-defined program, language can be German or English as required.

Thesis writing group Adlershof


Every second Thursday (start: 25.4.2024)

16:00 to 19:00


Location: IRIS Adlershof, Room 1.121


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The point of the writing group is to motivate each other to actually work on your dissertation. At the beginning of each meeting, we will announce what we want to do this time, and in the breaks, we will ask each other about the progress.