Analysis and Numerics for Partial Differential Equations
In the last 250 years, partial differential equations have emerged as one of the most important resources for humanity in understanding a wide variety of phenomena. Firstly, in science and technology: mechanics and mathematical models based on partial differential equations have become one of the most important tools in contemporary science and the applications thereof and are the foundation of the successful use of computer simulations.
A total of six work groups in the specialist fields of Analysis and Numerical Handling of Partial Differential Equations from Humboldt-Universität (Prof. Carstensen, Prof. Mielke), from Charles University in Prague (Prof. Feistauer, Prof. Roubíček) and the University of Vienna (Prof. Perugia, Prof. Stefanelli) are collaborating in this project. The academic topics are composed of Theory of Non-linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation as well as Numerical Handling of Partial Differential Equations. These will be dealt with in coordinated teaching and research through summer/winter schools for graduates which introduce a research-orientated internationally visible workshop with respect to time and content such as the one that took place in Vienna in 2015. For 2016, further workshops are planned in Prague and Berlin as well as a summer school in Berlin.