CENTRAL Workshops
Call for Proposals
From 2019, CENTRAL will support joint research projects of the universities represented in the CENTRAL network by promoting international workshops.
Members of
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
- Eötvös Loránd University,
- Charles University,
- The University of Warsaw,
- The University of Vienna
may submit a joint application in teams spanning at least three institutions to cover the costs of up to two three-day workshops during the course of 2020.
Selection criteria: The aim of the project funding is to consolidate existing projects, but also to initiate new joint research proposals. The potential for continuing the collaboration after the workshop, including the prospect of obtaining third-party funds, should be clearly identifiable. The integration of junior researchers is a relevant selection criterion.
Application deadline: Friday, 28 February 2020
What can be funded:
1. Covering of travel and accommodation costs for people participating in the workshop who are members of the participating universities,
2. Material resources up to a maximum of €1,000 per project (e.g. for promotional materials, room hire, fees for external visitors and the like).
Please find the complete and detailed call as well as the funding guidelines here.
Required application documents:
- Application form 'CENTRAL Workshops 2020'
- Description of the research project
- Short CV's of the project leaders
Please submit the documents in English language by e-mail, preferably in one PDF document, to the the coordinator of the CENTRAL network, Ms Aleksandra Laski: aleksandra.laski@hu-berlin.de