TRANSMIT Data Explorer
The data presented in the TRANSMIT Data Explorer[1] was drawn from the first (Turkey) and second (Lebanon) wave of an ongoing longitudinal survey of Syrians living in Lebanon and Turkey collected in face-to-face interviews between September 2020 and February 2021 as part of the TRANSMIT research project. The study aims at providing a nationally representative sample of the respective Syrian populations in the two countries, as well as a sample of the host population living in the same neighborhoods and covers a broad set of questions on respondent’s family structure, demographic and psychological characteristics, migration experiences, economic, social and physical well-being. Sampling was conducted via multilevel area sampling and random walks. Details
Below you can see an overview of the data obtained in our web tool [switch to full screen version].
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Baseline Sampling
The baseline survey in Lebanon took place in 2019 and in Turkey in 2020. In each case, the study population included all individuals with a minimum age of 15 years who were in Lebanon and Turkey, respectively, at the time of this initial survey and who were living in non-segregated institutions (e.g., prison, barracks). The survey was stratified by country of birth of the head of household, such that 50% of respondents were from Syrian households and 50% were from non-Syrian households. Because detail registry data for the Syrian population in either country is not available, the selection of respondents took place through multilevel area sampling[2] combined with the random walk method. For this, interviewers walked the streets in the selected neighborhood according to predetermined rules to select households for participation. Within the households that agree to participate, the choice of the interviewee(s) is also random (within age requirements).
Follow-up surveys were conducted in Lebanon in 2020/21 (LE wave 2), 2021/22 (LE wave 3) and 2022 (LE wave 4), and in Turkey in 2020/21 (TC wave 2) and 2022 (TC wave 3). In each case, respondents from the previous survey wave(s) were first contacted and asked to participate in the survey again. The re-contacting of the participants took place on the basis of the addresses at which the previous interview had taken place. If the respondents could not be found, two additional visits were made a few days apart. If it was still not possible to contact the persons, they were contacted by telephone, if their telephone numbers were available, and an interview appointment was arranged. If the persons could not be reached or refused to participate in the study again, the contact attempts were discontinued and the contact data of the respondents were permanently deleted.
Due to the dropout of participants for the follow-up surveys, additional participants were selected as a refresher sample according to the sampling process described above. If the target number of participants, or the quota of Syrian and non-Syrian households, could not be met through interviews within the neighborhoods of participants in the previous surveys, additional neighborhoods were selecte. The selection of these additional neighborhoods is equivalent to the area sampling strategy of the previous survey
Interview Process
The survey was conducted through Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI), based on questionnaires designed by the project team for the survey context of Lebanon. In the case of Lebanon, the interviews were conducted in Arabic by native speakers. In Turkey, the interviews were conducted in Arabic or Turkish according to the preference of the participants. In both cases, a native speaker conducted the interviews. After explaining the purpose and content of the study and obtaining the consent of the participants, the interview was conducted in an ideally secluded place in the premises of the interviewee, which was determined by the interviewee him-/herself. Interviews lasted on average between 45-60 min. Participants were free to pause the interview at any time, skip individual questions, or stop the interview.
Data Processing
The data provided in the Data Explorer have been cleaned of outlier observations based on standardized criteria and are fully processed. Prospectively, follow-up Waves of the survey will be added to the Data Explorer as they become available.
If you are interested in the data sets, please contact Simon Ruhnke (simon.ruhnke(at)
[1] The web application was developed by Long Nguyen (source code). The content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
[2] In Lebanon, the sampling frame is constructed by dividing the country into 16 administrative regional units (strata), which are in turn divided into sub-areas based on population density and majority religious affiliation. Only subdivisions where a sizable Syrian presence can be expected based on 2015 UNHCR registration Data[1]. From each subdivision a block of roughly 200 dwellings and a sampling point within this block are drawn at random. In Turkey, given its size, the sampling frame is restricted to the two largest municipalities in each NUTS 1 region of the country, as the presence of Syrians is highest in urban centers in all regions (DGMM 2019). Districts, blocks and sampling points within each city are drawn at random.