Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Ökonomie und Sprache

Berichte und Publikationen


  • 19-7: Foreign Language skills and employment status: Evidence from Germany, Italy and Spain
    [PDF 19-7]
  • 19-2: Determining the size of jurisdictions for implementing language rights
    [PDF 19-2]


  • 18-8: Should the government slow down the decline of minority communities?
    [MIME Vademecum]
  • 18-7: Do costs matter in language policy?
    [MIME Vademecum]
  • 18-6: Can the 'free market' manage language diversity?
    [MIME Vademecum]
  • 18-5: How important is demolinguistic concentration for the survival of minority languages in a world of increasing mobility?
    [MIME Vademecum]
  • 18-4: How does foreign language teaching influence the costs of migration?
    [MIME Vademecum]
  • 18-3: Sind Fremdsprachenkenntnisse mit dem Einkommen und der Beschäftigung verbunden?
    Empirische Evidenz aus Deutschland und aus der Welt
    [PDF 18-3]
  • 18-2: Interethnic relations, informal trading networks, and social integration:
    Imitation, habits, and social evolution
    [PDF 18-2]
  • 18-1: A language competition model for new minorities
    [PDF 18-1]



  • 17-3: Le plurilinguisme européen après le Brexit: Quels effets sur la participation démocratique et la mobilité des citoyens européens?
    [PDF 17-3]

  • 17-2: A cost theory of language planning and policy
    [PDF 17-2]

  • 17-1: An economics approach to language policy and linguistic justice
    [PDF 17-1]



  • 16-6: Lingvopolitiko kaj kostoj
    [PDF 16-6]
  • 16-5: Lingva justeco: Optimumaj minoritataj rajtoj kaj ilia realigo
    [PDF 16-5]
  • 16-4: EU language policy and English
    [PDF 16-4]
  • 16-3: Economic research on English in Europe
    [PDF 16-3]
  • 16-2: Modelling language competition for new minorities
    [PDF 16-2]
  • 16-1: English-only language policy: The road to provincialism?
    [PDF 16-1]



  • 15-7: Language rights: Efficiency, justice, implementation
    [PDF 15-7]
  • 15-6: Economics of language policy: Introduction
    [PDF 15-6]
  • 15-5: Il valore economico delle lingue
    [PDF 15-5]
  • 15-4: Evaluating Language Policy and Planning: An Introduction to the Economic Approach
    [PDF 15-4]
  • 15-3: Optimal language policy for the preservation of a minority language
    [PDF 15-3]
  • 15-2: A concise bibliography of language economics
    [PDF 15-2]
  • 15-1: Language rights: A welfare economics approach
    [PDF 15-1]



  • 14-1: Nachhaltiges Überleben von Minderheitensprachen: eine Übersicht einiger Modelle
    [PDF 14-1]