Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

Third PhD-Day

HU-Docs invites kindly all doctoral students to the third PhD-Day of the Humboldt-Universität.


Get to know all relevant departments of the university. There will be presentations and stands were you can get info about life as phd student at HU. You can also meet other PhD students.


The PhD-Day takes place on Friday the 24th of October, from 10 am to 3.30 pm, at the Humboldt-Kabinett in the Neumann-Building, in Adlershof (Rudower Chaussee 25). The event is in English and is open to all doctoral students of the HU.


Please register at:




10:00 Welcome address by the vice president for research

10:20 Research service centre

10:40 Hu-Docs

11:00 coffee break

11:20 Computer and media service

11:40 University library

12:00 FiNCA-GPA

12:20 lunch break (with free buffet)


13:40 University sports

14:00 International office

14:20 Language centre (Sprachenzentrum)

14:40 Questions & Answers

15:30 End of the event


Catering sponsored by MLP.


At the evening of the same day, you are invited to our PhD-Party.