Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Projekte | HU-Docs | Doctoral students‘day at the Adlershof Campus

Doctoral students‘day at the Adlershof Campus

25.10.2013 10:00 - 15:00
Humboldt-Kabinett at the Neumann-Building
Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Adlershof


We would like to invite you to the 1st Doctoral students' day of the Humboldt-Universität.


Get to know the University and other PhD students. This orientation session will provide you with useful information. Also, relevant university institutions will be present and introduce themselves.

Registration in Email:


The program:


10:00 Keynote by the Vice-President of the University   Prof. Peter Frensch - Vice-Präsident for Research Humboldt-Universität
10:20 SerivceCenter Research Link Dr. Uta Hoffmann - Teamleader - Young Researchers
10:40 HU-Docs Link Mr. Tamás Molnár - Chairman of the Board
11:00 Coffee break    
11:20 Electronic publishing Link Mr. Niels Fromm - Head of department electronic publishing
11:40 University Library Link Ms. Frauke Engels - Head of department user services
12:00 Humboldt-Graduate School Link Ms. Aleksandra Skoric - Key Competencies
12:20 Women in natural sciences at the campus Adlershof - Graduate Program Link Ms. Jana Bielagk - PhD student in Mathematics - Alumni of the GPA Program
12:40 Lunch break    
13:30 Computer and Medienservice   Mr. Malte Dreyer - CTO
13:50 Dealing with research data Link Ms. Elena Simukovic - Research data management
14:10 International Office Link Mr. Matthias Parske
14:30 Language Centre Link

Dr. Petra Bielagk - Head of German as a foreign language

Dr. Jeffrey Verhey - English 

14:50 q & A