Join us
If you are pursuing your doctorate in Berlin, become a member of HU-Docs e.V.!
In principle, participation in our events does not require membership. Nevertheless, it is worth becoming a member and thus supporting our work!
Membership is free of charge and does not lead to any further obligations. Advantages of membership:
- You can join our Telegram and Whatsapp groups. There you can exchange ideas with other doctoral candidates, ask questions and get help.
- You will receive the newsletter with current information about our events.
- You can elect the new board at the annual general meeting in summer.
- You can stand for election to the board yourself, and actively shape the future of Berlin doctoral candidates.
- You support an effective representation of the interests of doctoral candidates at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
To become a member, please fill out one of the two membership forms and send it to us (see contact details) or hand it in personally at one of our events.