Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

About HU-Docs


We want to make a contribution to enhancing the study conditions of doctoral students at Humboldt-Universität and promote a constant dialogue between the university and them. To this end, we host monthly meetings which allow us to network locally, support us mutually, and have an active exchange with other doctoral students. During these meetings, results of our research can be presented in an open environment which allows the free exchange of ideas and a constructive, interdisciplinary feedback. Furthermore, we provide orientation for new "Berliners", support with the integration process faced by international students, and "university-survival-tours". Next to that, we offer an interesting cultural program during the academic semester.

Of course, doctoral students from other universities are welcome, too!

Currently, HU-Docs tries to establish an inter-university network for research and experts and new cooperations between HU doctoral students and doctoral students worldwide.