Dr. Lara Keuck (neé Kutschenko)
project lead |
Email: lara.keuck (at) hu-berlin.de Visiting address: Friedrichsstraße 191-193, Raum 4012 Phone number: (030)2093-70557 Fax: (030)2093-70624 Mailing address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin |
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Abb. © Lichtschwärmer |
Research Interest
- History and Philosophy of the Biomedical Sciences
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Human Sciences, Medicine and Psychiatry
- Research Scholar at the Department of History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; head of junior research group "Learning from Alzheimer's Disease. A history of biomedical models of mental illness" funded through ETH Zurich's "The Branco Weiss Fellowship - Society in Science", since September 2015
- Visiting Scholar at "egenis - the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences", University of Exeter, January 2017
- Visiting Associate Research Scholar at the Department of History at Princeton University, February 2016
- Research Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, June 2013 - August 2015
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the project "Vernünftiger Umgang mit unscharfen Grenzen" at the Department of Philosophy, Chair for Philosophical Anthropology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, June 2012 - May 2013
- Visiting Scholar at the Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 2011
- PhD in History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University Medical Center Mainz, under a German-French doctoral program with the Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, 2008 - 2012
- Diplom (equivalent to M.Sc) in Molecular Biomedicine, University of Bonn, with research stays at the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, and the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, 2003 - 2008
- Keil, Geert, Lara Keuck and Rico Hauswald (eds., 2017). Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Huber, Lara and Lara K. Kutschenko (eds., 2009). “Medicine in a neurocentric world” Medicine Studies 1:307-408.
- Keuck, Lara (2019): "DSM und ICD oder die Schwierigkeit Psychosomatisches zu klassifizieren". In: A.Geisthövel und B.Hitzer (Hg.): Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Medizin. Psychosomatik im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 448-463.
- Keuck, Lara (2017). “Slicing the Cortex to Study Mental Illness: Alois Alzheimer's Pictures of Equivalence”. In: Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean, Nikolas Rose (eds.): Vital Models. The Making and Use of Models in the Brain Sciences. Cambridge, San Diego, Oxford, London: Progress in Brain Research 233, 25–51.
- Huber, Lara and Lara Keuck (2017). “Philosophie der biomedizinischen Wissenschaften”. In: Thomas Reydon und Simon Lohse (eds.): Grundriss Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Die Philosophien der Einzelwissenschaften. Hamburg: Meiner, 287–318.
- Keil, Geert, Lara Keuck and Rico Hauswald (2017). “Vagueness in Psychiatry: An Overview”. In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3–23.
- Hauswald, Rico and Lara Keuck (2017). “ Indeterminacy in Medical Classification: On Continuity, Uncertainty, and Vagueness”. In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 93–116.
- Keuck, Lara and Allen Frances (2017). “Reflections on what is normal, what is not, and fuzzy boundaries in psychiatric classifications”. In: Vagueness in Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 152–168.
- Keuck, Lara (2016). “Thinking with gatekeepers. An essay on psychiatric sources”. In: Jenny Bangham und Judy Kaplan (eds.). (In)visible Labour. Knowledge Production in the Human Sciences. Preprint of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 107–115.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2012). “Relevant Similarity in the Light of Biomedical Experimentation” In: Large animals as biomedical models: Ethical, societal, legal and biological aspects, Kristin Hagen, Angelika Schnieke, Felix Thiele (eds.), Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Europäische Akademie, 69-83.
- Keuck, Lara (2018). “Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in Kreapelin’s clinic, 1909-1912” History of Human Sciences 32(2):42-64.
- Keuck, Lara (2018). "History as a Biomedical Matter: Recent Reassessments of the First Cases of Alzheimer’s Disease" History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40.
- Huber, Lara and Lara K. Keuck (2013). “Mutant Mice: Experimental Organisms as Materialised Models in Biomedicine” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44:385–391.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2012). “Diagnostic misconceptions? A closer look at clinical research on Alzheimer's disease” Journal of Medical Ethics 38:57-59.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2011). “How to Make Sense of Broadly Applied Medical Classification Systems: Introducing Epistemic Hubs” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33(4):583-602.
- Kutschenko, Lara K. (2011). “In Quest for ‘Good’ Medical Classification Systems” Medicine Studies 3:53-70.
- Huber, Lara and Lara K. Kutschenko (2009). “Medicine in a neurocentric world: About the explanatory power of neuroscientific models in medical research and practice (Editorial notes)” Medicine Studies 1:307-313.
- Papadopulos, A., S. Vehring, I. López-Montero, L. Kutschenko, M. Stöckl, P.F. Devaux, M. Kozlov, T. Pomorski and A. Herrmann (2007). “Flippase activity detected with unlabeled lipids by shape changes of giant unilamellar vesicles” Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:15559-68.
Keuck, Lara (2017). “The twenty-first book review of The Alzheimer Conundrum (Margaret Lock The Alzheimer Conundrum: Entanglements of Dementia and Aging. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2013)” BioSocieties 12:176-181.
- Keuck, Lara (2017). “What is philosophy of medicine good for? Review of Cornelius Borck’s Medizinphilosophie zur Einführung (Hamburg, Junius Verlag) and interview with the author” History of the Human Sciences Blog.
- Grote, Mathias and Lara Keuck (2015). “Conference Report ‘Stoffwechsel. Histories of metabolism’, workshop organized by Mathias Grote at Technische Universität Berlin, November 28–29th, 2014.” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37:210-8.
- Netzwerk für Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften (2013). “Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften. Entwicklungen und Tendenzen.” Information Philosophie 4/2013:14-27.
- Keuck, Lara (2013). “Compte rendu: Maël Lemoine, La désunité de la médecine. Essai sur les valeurs explicatives de la science médicale, Paris, Hermann (coll. « Hermann Philosophie »), 2011” Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 2013/4:594-596.
title tba, invited participant at the Lorentz Center Workshop "What is Translation? Exploring the Missing Link Between Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Leiden, 11.-15. Nov 2019.
"Alzheimer's Disease: The History of a Working Title", History of Medicine Seminar, Department of History of Phiolosphy of Science, Univeristy of Cambridge, 5. Nov 2019.
"Introducing Scope Validity: A Tool for Building New Bridges Across the Translational Gap?", Secon meeting of the PhilInBioMed International Network Bordeaux, 14.-15. Okt 2019.
"Die Alzheimer-Krankheit: Überlegungen zur Geschichte einer unsicheren Klassifikation“, Kolloquium für Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, Universität Gießen 1. Jul 2019.
"Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Alzheimer-Krankheit“, Symposium „Oper und Demenz“, Oper Köln 7. Jun 2019.
"Was war die Alzheimer Krankheit für Alois Alzheimer?“, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Universität zu Köln 3. Jun 2019.
"Medicine in the time between dog and wolf“, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Seminar, Aarhus Universitet 27 Mar 2019.
"From 'senium praecox' to old age as risk factor. Ageing in the history of Alzheimer's disease", Herrenhäuser Symposium “Cultural Perspectives on Ageing“, Hanover 28-30 Nov 2018.
"The reconceptualization of what? On writing the history of Alzheimer's disease", Society in Science Symposium, Zürich 18-20 Nov 2018.
"The reconceptualization of what? Alzheimer's disease as pathological process, clinical diagnosis and nosological entity“, Public Health Meets Philosophy of Medicine Workshop on Longitudinal Studies of Mental Health and Disorder, Université de Bordeaux 1 Oct 2018.
“Borderline cases and effective theories in philosophy of medicine”, Immunoconept Seminar “PhillnBioMed”, Université de Bordeaux 27 Sep 2018.
- "Der Zeitpunkt der Diagnose als nosologisches Problem: Eine wissenschaftshistorische Annäherung, Symposium "Präventionen?! - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Demenz-Forschung", Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen 6 - 7 Jul 2018.
- "(Blurred) Boundaries in Medicine", Congrès international triennal 2018 de la Société de Philosophie Analytique, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) 2 - 5 Jul 2018.
- "Medicine in the Time between Dog and Wolf: On Borderline Cases in Disease Classification", I2SOS Kolloquium Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science, Universität Bielefeld 5 Jun 2018.
"Expert Uncertainty and Amateur History: The Case of Alzheimer's Disease", Workshop on the Emergence and Dissolution of (Medical) Knowledge, Zentrum für Geschichte des Wissens, ETH Zürich 31 May 2017.
"Geschichte unter dem Mikroskop: Über die Wiederentdeckung der ersten Alzheimer- Fälle", Medizinhistorische Vortragsreihe, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg 15 May 2017.
"Alte Alzheimer-Fälle als neue Forschungsgegenstände: 'Geschichte' in den biomedizinischen Wissenschaften", Forschungskolloquium, Instituts für Ethik, Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin, WWU Münster 6 Feb 2017.
"Old cases as new research objects: On biomedical uses of the past", Egenis Seminar Series, University of Exeter 23 Jan 2017.
- "Diagnosen auf Wiedervorlage: Eine wissenshistorische Annäherung an das Epikrisenblatt", Kolloquium zur Geschichte des Wissens, Humboldt-Universität Berlin 11 Jan 2017.
"Praktiken der Retrospektion in der Münchner Universitätspsychiatrie um 1910", Lehrstuhltreffen organized by Michael Hagner and Anke te Heesen, ETH Zürich 26-27 Oct 2016.
"Progress without success? Narratives of learning in Alzheimer research", International Workshop “Again Method! Many methods – one biology?”, Institute for Advanced Studies, LMU München 20-22 Oct 2016.
"Blurred Boundaries in Medicine", Medical Epistemology Workshop, Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, Universität zu Köln 18 Oct 2016.
"Multilevel abstraction of Alzheimer's Disease", Workshop “Animal models, when scientists and philosophers meet”, INSERM 930, University of Tours 27-28 Sept 2016.
"Medizinische Versorgung zwischen Evidenz und Governance: Gespräch und Diskussion mit Thomas Müller und Heiner Raspe", Seminarwoche „Macht Medizin Sinn“, Seminarzentrum Gut Siggen 19-24 Sept 2016.
- “Regimes of Psychiatric Classification: Exploring Alzheimer’s Disease, 1910 and 2010”, Psychiatriehistorische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Charité - Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik in der Medizin 13 Sep 2016.
- “Vom Einzelfall zur Population: Humanwissenschaftliche Kategorien als epistemologische Grundlage psychiatrischer Klassifikationssysteme, 1910 und 2013", Junge Perspektiven-Workshop zur Geschichte der Humanwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 17 - 18 Jun 2016.
- “Is there a specific role for history of science when examining scientists’ accounts of history?”, Kolloquium an der Technikgeschichte, ETH Zürich 10 May 2016.
- “Zurück zum Original? Über die Wiederentdeckung der ersten Alzheimer-Fälle”, Recycling in den Wissenschaften. Bedingungen, Praktiken und Politiken wissenschaftlicher Wiederverwertung, Universität Göttingen 25 Apr 2016.
- "Geschichte in biomedizinischer Perspektive. Über die Wiederentdeckungen der ersten Fälle der Alzheimer-Krankheit", Nachwuchsforum Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Leopoldina-Studienzentrum 11 - 12 Apr 2016.
- "Slicing the Brain to Study Mental Illness: Reflecting with Alois Alzheimer on the Normal and the Pathological Brain”, Vital Brains. The Making and Use of Models in Neuroscience, Freie Universität Berlin 7 - 8 Apr 2016.
"Beyond conceptual history: The clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease around 1910", Symposium “The Changing Face of Alzheimer's Disease, Revisited: Historical, Anthropological and Clinical Perspectives”, Philadelphia, PA 26 Feb 2016.
"On biomedical uses of historical (re)sources: The reassessment of founder cases of Alzheimer's disease since the mid-1990s", Konferenz “Perspectives for the History of Life Sciences: New Themes, New Sources, New Approaches”, Historisches Seminar, LMU München 30 Oct. - 1 Nov 2015.
"Philosophie im G-BA: Unscharfe Grenzen in der Medizin", Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, Berlin 18 Mrz 2015.
"Abstraktionen und Experimente: Zur Wissenschaftsphilosophie der Biomedizin", Öffentliches Forschungskolloquium, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Hannover 10 Dez 2013.
"Identifying Medically Relevant Variation to Re-Classify Disease: Linkage Analysis of Neurodegenerative Disorders in the 1980's", Meeting of the International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Session "Abstracting from the Living: Characters and Classifications in the Life Sciences”, Montpellier, Frankreich 7-12 Jul 2013.
with L. Huber: "Humanising animals: The search for an ideal transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease in the 1990s", Symposium "Animal Models beyond Genetics", 2012 Meeting of the History of Science Society, San Diego, CA, USA, 15-18 Nov 2012.
"Transfer and Transformation of Knowledge about Alzheimer's disease in the Era of the Human Genome Project", Seminar Series "Historicizing Knowledge about Human Biological Diversity in the 20th Century", Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin 6 Sept 2012.
"Comment caractériser les différentes positions sur la question de ce qu'est une maladie?", Symposium "Concepts de santé et de maladie : Par delà le clivage entre normativisme et naturalisme?", IVe Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS), Montreal, Kanada 1-3 Jun 2012.
"Elucidating the Vagueness of Medical Classification Systems from a Philosophy of Medicine Perspective", International Conference on "Gradualist Approaches to Health and Disease", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 23-25 Mrz 2012.
"ICD vs. DSM: Two classifications in practice, two perspectives on psychiatry", Symposium on "Philosophy of psychiatry in practice: Steps towards an adequate theory of psychiatric classification", Third Biennial Society of Philosophy of Science in Practice Conference, Exeter, UK, 22-24 Jul 2011.
“Vers une épistémiologie des systèmes de classification en médecine: un aperçu", Séminaire Philmed, Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris 6 Jun 2011.
with L. Huber: "On the epistemic specificity of animal models in biomedical research: The case of Alzheimer Mice", 2010 Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Montreal, Kanada 4-6 Nov 2010.
„Standardisierung des Komplexen? Tiermodelle in den Lebenswissenschaften aus wissenschaftstheoretischer Perspektive", Workshop „Der Streit um Tierversuche: Ethische und wissenschaftstheoretische Implikationen“, Bildungszentrum Schloß Wendgräben, Institut für Philosophie, OvGU Magdeburg 3-4 Jun 2010.