Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Phantom Borders - Real Boundaries

Fellows and Lecturers

Fellow Prof. Dr. Nathalie Clayer

Fellows Nathalie ClayerParis, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), directrice d'études and Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), directrice de recherche

Prof. Dr. Nathalie Clayer is a recognized expert on European Islam. One of the integral components of her work is to ascertain social borders in historical and current perspectives. Based on her research about the transition of the Ottoman Vilayets borders to the new national divisions, she published standard works on Southeast Europe and the Near East. She creates the subject areas "Center and Periphery" and "Integration and Discrimination" for the KOSMOS Summer University.


Junior Fellow Prof. Dr. Sevasti Trubeta

Fellows Sevasti TrubetaLesbos, Greece, University of the Aegean, Assistant Professor for Sociology

Prof. Dr. Sevasti Trubeta is an assistant professor of sociology with a focus on globalization and migration. With her interest in topics like "Borders and Discourse of Bodies" she gives an innovative thrust to the research on Southeastern Europe and beyond. The medicalization of borders and eugenics in a historical perspective are new fields, which will become of greater empirical importance in the near future. This is where the KOSMOS Summer University begins and where one of the focal point lies (panel "Transfer and Mobility").


Prof. Dr. John D. Abromeit

Dozenten John AbromeitResearch interests:

- Frankfurt School Critical Theory

- Western Marxism

- The Intellectual Migration from Europe in the 1930s

- History and Theories of Prejudice

- History of Populism in Europe


- Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas: History and Recent Tendencies, co-edited with Bridget Chesterton, York Norman and Gary Marotta. Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

- Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

- "The Limits of Praxis: The Social Psychological Foundations of Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno's Interpretations of the 1960s Protest Movements," Changing the World, Changing Oneself: Political Protest and Collective Identities in the 1960s/70s West Germany and U.S., eds. B. Davis, W. Mausbach, M. Klimke and C. MacDougall (Berghahn Books, 2010).
- "Anti-Semitism and Critical Social Theory: The Frankfurt School in Exile." Review of Eva-Maria Ziege, Antisemitismus und Gesellschaftstheorie: Die Frankfurter Schule im amerikanischen Exil (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2009). Theory, Culture, and Society, vol. 30, no. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 140–151.

- Review of Thomas Wheatland's The Frankfurt School in Exile: "Reconsidering the History of the Frankfurt School in America." Reviews in American History, vol. 39, no. 2 (June 2011).


Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper

Dozenten Arnd BauerkämperResearch interests:
- History of Great Britain in the 19th and 20th century
- Fascism in Europe
- Social history in the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR
- Democracy and civil society in Western Germany in the transatlantic exchange ratio to the USA
- Methodical and theoretical problems of the comparative and complexity history of Europe


-Das umstrittene Gedächtnis. Die Erinnerung an Nationalismus, Faschismus und Krieg in Europa seit 1945, Paderborn 2012.

- Der Faschismus in Europa, 1918-1945, Stuttgart 2006.

- Die Sozialgeschichte der DDR (Enzyklopädie deutscher Geschichte, Bd. 76), München 2005.

- Ländliche Gesellschaft in der kommunistischen Diktatur. Zwangsmodernisierung und Tradition in Brandenburg 1945-1963, Köln 2002.

- Die "radikale Rechte" in Großbritannien. Nationalistische, antisemitische und faschistische Bewegungen vom späten 19. Jahrhundert bis 1945, Göttingen 1991.


Prof. Dr. Sarah Green

Dozenten Sarah GreenResearch interests:
- Anthropology of location and borders in the eastern peripheries of Europe
- Research on issues related to concepts of money and trading practices in the Aegean region
-Research on the borders of Greece and Turkey
- Green, S. 14 Apr 2015 Ethnographies of Grey Zones in Eastern Europe: Relations, Borders and Invisibilities. Knudsen, I. H. & Frederiksen, M. D. (eds.). London and New York: Anthem Press, p. 173-186 13 p. 11. (Anthem Series on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies)
- Anthropological Knots: conditions of possibilities and interventions
Green, S. 28 Dec 2014 In : Hau: journal of ethnographic theory. 4, 3, p. 1-21 21 p., 1
- Special Section: Anthropological Knots
Green, S. (ed.), Strathern, M., Graeber, D., Gregory, C., Carrithers, M. & Martin, K. Dec 2014 In : Hau: journal of ethnographic theory. 4, 3, p. 1-147 147 p., 1-10


Prof. Dr. Michaela Marek

Dozenten Michaela MarekResearch interests:

- Art history of East-Central Europe out of transnational and transdisciplinary perspective

- Architecture, town history, urbanistics in the 19th and 20th century as form of articulation for cultural, social and political processes

- Visual, spatial, and material strategies of construction of the past and the present

- Artistic experts during Socialism between initiative and constraint

- Concepts of cultural heritage, monument conservation and preservation

- Church architecture and art out of religious historical and religious sociological perspective

- History of science and of the subject


- Kunst und Identitätspolitik. Architektur und Bildkünste im Prozess der tschechischen Nationsbildung. Köln, Weimar, Wien 2004.

- (mit Dušan Kováč, Jiří Pešek und Roman Prahl) Kultur als Vehikel und als Opponent politischer Absichten. Kulturkontakte zwischen Deutschen, Tschechen und Slowaken von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in die 1980er Jahre. Essen 2010 (Veröffentlichungen der Deutsch-Tschechischen und Deutsch-Slowakischen Historikerkommission, Bd. 17).

- (mit Thomas Topfstedt, unter Mitwirkung von Uwe John) Geschichte der Universität Leipzig 1409–2009, Bd. 5: Geschichte der Leipziger Universitätsbauten im urbanen Kontext. Leipzig 2009.


Konrad Petrovszky

Dozenten Konrad PetrovszkyResearch interests:

- Cultural and religious history in the early modern period in Southeast Europe
- History of historiography
- Historical semantics
- Media and transformation
- History of law and administration in the 18th century
- History of the Danubian Principalities

- Geschichte schreiben im osmanischen Südosteuropa. Eine Kulturgeschichte orthodoxer Historiographie des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2014 (= Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen 60)
- Die Entdeckung der historischen Tiefe als Strategie der Krisenverarbeitung: die moldauische Chronistik des 17. Jahrhunderts, in: Rudolf Schlögl, Philip R. Hoffmann-Rehnitz, Eva Wiebel (Hg.), Krise in der Frühen Neuzeit, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014 (Historische Semantik)
- Time, Memory, and the Creation of Local Tradition in the First Half of the 17th Century: The Case of Pajsije I of Peć, in: Radu Păun (Hg.), Histoire, mémoire et dévotion. Regards croisés sur la construction des identities à l’Est, Paris: CNRS Éditions 2014


Dr. Christian Promitzer

Dozenten Christian PromitzerPublications:

- Promitzer, Christian; Gruber, Siegfried; Heppner, Harald (Hg.)
Southeast European Studies in a Globalizing World. Zürich. LIT. 2015.
- Promitzer, Christian "Cultures of Defeat": Reflections on the Adoption of German Racial Anthropology and Racial Hygiene in Bulgaria (1878-1941).".
In: Zeitschrift fuer Balkanologie. 50,1. 2014. 42 - 60, 19 S.
- Promitzer, Christian Austria and the Balkans: Exploring the Role of Travelogues in the Construction of an Area.
In: Christian Promitzer, Siegfried Gruber, Harald Heppner (Hg.): Southeast European Studies in a Globalizing World. Münster. LIT. 2014.


Prof. Dr. Paul Weindling

Dozenten Paul WeindlingResearch interests:

- History of eugenics
- Public health organizations
- Twentieth century disease patterns
- Medical research under National Socialism and its Victims

- Forced emigration of Medical Personnel
- Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust (London: Bloomsbury, 2014).
- Healthcare in Private and Public from the Early Modern Period to 2000 (London: Routledge, 2014). Publication date December 2014.
- (Editor, with Bjöern Felder) Baltic Eugenics. Bio-Politics, Race and Nation in interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918-1940 (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2013).