Dr. Tim Müller
Tim Müller is a social scientist and Junior Research Group Leader of the projects "Migration and the Welfare State" (funded by the BMAS) and "Determinants of resilience towards radicalization in adolescence" (funded by BMFSFJ). In his previous project he examined the labour market integration of recent refugees to Germany ("GeFam - Refugee Families in Germany") and was co-project lead on the project "Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer - wie Lehrkräfte gute Leistung fördern können". After studying at the University of Mannheim, he earned his PhD in Sociology at the University of Oxford in 2013. His dissertation examined the mechanisms of secularization. While working at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, he conducted studies on “hybrid identities” and biases towards Muslims in Germany. He participated as a researcher in studies on the residential segregation of immigrants in Sweden at the University of Linköping and the Institute of Futures Studies (Stockholm). In a collaborative project with the Expert Coucil of German Foundations for Integration and Migration he tested a social-psychological (self-affirmation) intervention to increase minority students' academic achievements.
Current research interests:
labor market integration, social policy reseach, radicalization processes, educational inequalities, social psychology (self affirmation), quantitative methods