Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - MelaTAMP





Tjuka, Annika, Lena Weißmann, Kilu von Prince (2019). "Habituality as a property of text spans". In: Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek (eds.) Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics — 2019. Poznán: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 195-199.


Krajinović, Ana and Rosey Billington, Lionel Emil, Gray Kaltap̃au, Nick Thieberger (2019). Building capacity for community-led documentation in Erakor, Vanuatu. In: Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek (eds.) Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics — 2019. Poznán: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 185-189.


Krajinović, Ana. (accepted). "The semantics of perfect in Nafsan and implications for typology." In Proceedings of TripleA 5 2018. University of Tübingen.

von Prince, Kilu, Manfred Krifka, Ana Krajinović, Valérie Guérin and Michael Franjieh (2018). "Mapping Irreality: Storyboards for eliciting TAM contexts". In Ms. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018. Tübingen.

von Prince, Kilu, Ana Krajinovic, Anna Margetts, Valérie Guérin, Nick Thieberger (2019). "Habituality in four Oceanic languages of Melanesia". In: Nora Boneh and Łukasz Jędrzejowski (ed.). Special issue of STUF 72(1). doi:

Krajinović, Ana (2018). "Comparative study of conditional clauses in Nafsan". In: Boerger, Brenda H. and Unger, Paul (eds.). SIL Language and Culture Documentation and Description 41 (Proceedings of COOL 10).

von Prince, Kilu. With Ana Krajinović, Anna Margetts, Nick Thieberger und Valérie Guérin (accepted). "Habituals in four Oceanic languages of Melanesia".

von Prince, Kilu and Krajinović, Ana and Krifka, Manfred and Guérin, Valérie and Franjieh, Michael (2018). Mapping irreality: Storyboards for eliciting TAM contexts. In Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018

von Prince, Kilu (2017): "Indefinites in Daakaka (Vanuatu)". In: Hohaus, Vera &
Wanda Rothe (eds) (2017): Proceedings of TripleA 3. Fieldwork perspectives on the semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian languages, 126-137. Tübingen: University library Tübingen, publication system.

von Prince, Kilu. 2017 (preprint). "Paradigm-induced implicatures of TAM markers: The case of the Daakaka distal." Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21.

Krajinović, Ana. 2017. "Influence of Malayalam on temporal clauses in Malabar Indo-Portuguese." Language Ecology 1:2 (2017), 137–157.

Krajinovic, Ana. 2017. "Nafsan recordings (AK1). Digital collection managed by PARADISEC."

Chue Hong, Neil; Druskat, Stephan; Haines, Robert; Jay, Caroline; Katz, Daniel S.; Sufi, Shoaib. 2017. "Proceedings of the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1)." figshare.

Krifka, Manfred (2016): "Realis and non-realis modalities in Daakie (Ambrym, Vanuatu)", in: Moroney, Mary (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SALT 26, 566-583. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.

Gast, V.; Bierkandt, L.; Druskat, Stephan; Rzymski (2016): "Enriching TimeBank: Towards a more precise annotation of temporal relations in a text", in: Calzolari et al. (2016): Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Paris : European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Druskat, Stephan; Gast, V.; Krause, T.; Zipser, F. (2016): " An Interoperable Generic Software Tool Set for Multi-layer Linguistic Corpora", in: Calzolari et al. (2016): Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Paris : European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Druskat, Stephan (2016): “A proposal for the measurement and documentation of research software sustainability in interactive metadata repositories”, in: Allen et al. (2016): Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4). Manchester, UK : University of Manchester.

Krifka, Manfred (2011): "Notes on Daakie (Ambrym, Vanuatu): Sounds and modality", in: Clemens, Lauren Eby; Scontras, Gregory & Maria Polinsky (Hrsgg.): Proceedings of AFLA 18 (= Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association), 46-65. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard U: Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, online publication.




upcoming. Annika Tjuka, Lena Weißmann & Kilu von Prince: "Tagging modality in Oceanic languages of Melanesia"

The 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Florence, Italy, 01-02 August 2019.


upcoming. Ana Krajinović: "Empirical methods for describing aspect: a case study of perfect in Nafsan" 

11th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, Leiden, 13-15 June 2019.


upcoming. Ana Krajinović: "Irrealis in branching times." with Kilu von Prince and Manfred Krifka 

Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, London, Canada, 24-26 May 2019.


Ana Krajinović: "Building capacity for community-led documentation in Erakor, Vanuatu", with Rosey Billington, Lionel Emil, Gray Kaltap̃au & Nick Thieberger

9th Language & Technology Conference, Poznán, Polen, 17-19 May 2019.


Annika Tjuka: "Habitual aspect as a property of text spans", with Lena Weißmann & Kilu von Prince

9th Language & Technology Conference, Poznán, Polen, 17-19 May 2019.


Kilu von Prince: "Theoretical and empirical perspectives on irreality in language"

Universität Bielefeld, 17. January 2019


Ana Krajinović: "Negation in Nafsan"

VIII Syntax of the world’s languages, Paris, 3-5 September 2018.


Ana Krajinović: "Diachrony of conditionals in Nafsan", with Nick Thieberger 

Vanuatu Languages Conference, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 25-27 July 2018.


Ana Krajinović: "Collaboration and capacity building on Efate", with Rosey Billington, Lionel Emil, and Gray Kaltap̃au

Vanuatu Languages Conference, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 25-27 July 2018.


Kilu von Prince: "Mapping irreality - Temporal and modal dimensions"

Linguistics Colloquium, Universität Konstanz, 12 July 2018.


Kilu von Prince: "Counterfactuality and past"

What-if group, Fachbereichskolloquium der Sprachwissenschaften, University of Konstanz, 13 July 2018.


Ana Krajinović: "Semantics of perfect in Nafsan"

TripleA (The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages) 5, Konstanz, 27-29 June 2018.


Ana Krajinović: "Pragmatically-derived meaning of realis/irrealis in three Oceanic languages"



Kilu von Prince: "Mapping Irreality"

LinG Colloquium Series, University of Göttingen, 16th Mai 2018.


Ana Krajinović: "Mood in complement clauses in Nafsan (South Efate)"
10th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL10), United Kingdom, May 2018.

Kilu von Prince: "The role of corpora in comparative research. Case
studies from the MelaTAMP project."
Max Planck Institute for Human History, Jena, December 2017.

Ana Krajinović: "The meaning of Perfect in Nafsan and other Oceanic languages."
12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, December 2017.

Ana Krajinović und Kilu von Prince: "Comparable corpora for qualitative and quantitative comparison of under-documented languages."
12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, December 2017.

Ana Krajinović: "Some issues in TAM from an Oceanic perspective"
Workshop on 'TAM marking in languages of Australia and the Pacific', ALS conference 2017, University of Sydney, December 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "Werkzeuge und Workflows im MelaTAMP-Projekt" ("Tools and workflows in the MelaTAMP project").
CLARIN-D F-AG 3 Workshop "Datenmanagement und Korpuserstellung: Workflows und Werkzeuge", Hamburg Center for Language Corpora, Hamburg, October 2017.

Stephan Druskat: "Track 2 Lightning Talk: Should CITATION files be standardized?"
Workshop on 'Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1)', University of Manchester, UK, August 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "Storyboards for the MelaTAMP project."
MelaTAMP workshop, University of the South Pacific, Port Vila, Vanuatu, July 2017.

Ana Krajinović und Kilu von Prince: "What makes a mood-prominent language in the Oceanic context?"
10th Conference On Oceanic Linguistics, Honiara, July 2017.

Ana Krajinović: "Comparative study of conditional clauses in Nafsan."
10th Conference On Oceanic Linguistics, Honiara, July 2017.

Kilu von Prince und Anna Margetts: "Expressing possibility in Saliba and Daakaka"
9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL9), Paris, June 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "Annotating tense and modality in Oceanic"
FEAST (Forum Entwicklung und Anwendung von Sprach-Technologien), University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, June 2017. 

Stephan Druskat: "Research Software Engineers: The people behind research software". 
OpenTechSummit 2017, Potsdam, May 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "The future is what the universe wants".
Workshop 'Imperatives, Performativity, and Commitment', ZAS Berlin, April 2017.

Kilu von Prince, Anne Mucha und Ryan Bochnak: "Towards an ontology of modal flavors - Introduction"
39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Saarbrücken, March 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "Modalität und Tempus aus ozeanischer Perspektive" ("Modality and tense from an oceanic perspective").
Linguistic working group of the University of Cologne, January 2017.

Kilu von Prince: "Past and counterfactuality in the Daakaka distal".
Workshop on the Meaning of Past Tense Morphology, University of Göttingen, December 2016.

Ana Krajinović: "Realis marking in counterfactuals: Reassesment of Nafsan"
Workshop on the Meaning of Past Tense Morphology, University of Göttingen, December 2016.

Stephan Druskat: "Entwurf eines Metadatenrepositoriums zur Erfassung technischer Nachhaltigkeit von Forschungssoftware".
Helmholtz Open Science Workshop 'Zugang zu und Nachnutzung von wissenschaftlicher Software', Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf, November 2016.

Stephan Druskat et al.: "Utilising ANNIS for search and analysis of historical data".
Workshop on 'Reuse or New Development: Sustainability of resources and tools for multi-facetted historical data and languages', Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften (FORGE), September 2016.

Ana Krajinović: "The realis/irrealis distinction in South Efate"
European Summer School of Linguistic Typology 2016, Porquerolles Island, France, September 2016.

Kilu von Prince: "Paradigm-induces implicatures in TAM-expressions - a view from the Daakaka distal".
Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Edinburgh, September 2016.

Kilu von Prince: "Indefinite Articles in Daakaka – specificity and negative polarity".
Triple A (The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages), Tübingen, August 2016.

Kilu von Prince: "Eine ozeanische Perspektive auf Modalität und Tempus".
invited speaker, University of Kiel, June 2016.

Kilu von Prince: "Prioritizing entries and choosing example sentences".
Workshop on 'Challenges of Electronic Dictionary Publication', Leipzig, April 2016.




Kilu von Prince, Ana Krajinović und Manfred Krifka: "Storyboards for the elicitation of TAM contexts in Melanesia."
Linguistic Evidence 2018, Tübingen, March 2018.

Stephan Druskat: "Kriterienbasierte Evaluation und Dokumentation technischer Nachhaltigkeit von Forschungssoftware in einem Metadatenrepositorium."
4th Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Bern, February 2017.

Stephan Druskat, Thomas Krause und Carolin Odebrecht: "Agile Creation Of Multi-Layer Corpora With".
39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Saarbrücken, March 2017.



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