Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

Country evening Azerbaijan


When? Wed., February 17, 2016, 07:00 pm

Where? Orbis Humboldtianus

Azerbaijan – the land of fire


On hearing the word “Azerbaijan” one might think of Baku, oil - the black gold or the Eurovision Song Contest. But there is so much more to explore in this fascinating country. The historical and the current development of Azerbaijan point towards a symbiosis of the Oriental with the European. However, stereotypical labelings such as “Muslim” do not do justice to the captivating blend of cultures and traditions. 

Being peripheral to the Mediterranean and a part of the South Caucasus, Azerbaijan belongs to the cultural regions between the Caucasus and Asia Minor, the Black and the Caspian Sea. Its geographical location between Europe, Western and Central Asia shaped not only Azerbaijan’s cultural history ties but also contributed to the diverse history of the country. These developments are reflected in the contemporary political culture of the country and in its domestic and foreign policy.

Indeed, Azerbaijan can be seen as a bridge between the Orient and the Occident, a country still exploring the sustainability of its foundation pillars.


Program of the event:

07:00 pm: Presentation and a short movie

07:45 pm: Discussion

08:15 pm: Drinks, refreshments and music