Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - HU-Docs

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Projects | HU-Docs | Program Summer Term 2014 | Workshop Job Application and Contract Negotiation for PhD Students

Workshop Job Application and Contract Negotiation for PhD Students


Workshop Job Application and Contract Negotiation for PhD Students

June 27, 2014, 12:30 - 02:30 pm
at Orbis Humboldtianus




In cooperation with MLP.

The higher the qualification, the harder seems the job application and contract negotiation. In this workshop an experienced trainer from MLP will take us through the most important aspects of the beginning of a professional career. Which networks are important? What should I write in the motivation letter? How should I bargain for my wage? These and further questions are going to be answered in the workshop.

The workshop is in German and is suitable for PhD students applying for a job in Germany.

Please register: